关于 ODA

Professional application development through open standards


ODA Mission

Interoperability for CAD & BIM

interoperability complete engineering software for the industry through collaborative development of high-quality, affordable programming toolkits interoperability complete engineering software for the industry collaborative development through

of high-quality, affordable programming toolkits

Our vision is unfettered access and exchange of engineering design data

A Unique Business Model

We develop software for the benefit of our members

  • Non-profit

    ODA is a non-profit technology consortium with broad industry support.

  • Sharing the cost

    By sharing the cost of development for complex projects, ODA members develop solutions for far less money than any single company could do alone.

  • Experienced development team

    The focal point is ODA’s professional, experienced development team. We work closely with members to ensure requirements are met and the highest standards for quality are maintained.

  • Independent management

    With independent management, ODA has the necessary autonomy to serve its members fairly. A board of directors comprised of ODA Founding members is a further safeguard to keep the organization on track. It’s a business model that works.

100 %

  • Free technical support
  • Transparent pricing
  • Member-aligned development

100 years

100-Year Commitment

  • Engineering models and drawings need to be accessible for the lifetime of a project, which can span decades or longer.
  • ODA is committed to ensuring long-term access to critical CAD & BIM data.
  • With a modern, flexible code base and broad industry support, ODA is well-positioned to adapt to changing technologies over the coming years.
Formats supported by ODA’s 100-year commitment